Donde siempre es un domingo resaca

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

La historia de Sam Stone

Hace un par de semanas me consegui el primer disco de John Prine, despues de darle varias vueltas me quede pegado en la tristisima Sam Stone.
Sam Stone es la historia de un soldado de la guerra de Vietnam que regresa a casa adicto a las drogas:
Sam Stone came home,
To his wife and family
After serving in the conflict overseas.
And the time that he served,
Had shattered all his nerves,
And left a little shrapnel in his knee.
But the morphine eased the pain,
And the grass grew round his brain,
And gave him all the confidence he lacked,
With a Purple Heart and a monkey on his back.

para de ahi pasar a un coro demoledor:
There's a hole in daddy's arm where all the money goes,
Jesus Christ died for nothin' I suppose.
Little pitchers have big ears,
Don't stop to count the years,
Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios.

y bueno como se puede esperar la historia no termina bien para Sam Stone y se va de sobredosis:

Sam Stone was alone
When he popped his last balloon
Climbing walls while sitting in a chair
Well, he played his last request
While the room smelled just like death
With an overdose hovering in the air
But life had lost its fun

John Prine - Sam Stone

Johnny Cash versiono esta cancion de John Prine pero siendo bien hincha de Jesus le cambio la letra y en vez de
Jesus Christ died for nothin' I suppose
la cambio por
Daddy must have hurt/suffer a lot back then I suppose

personalmente prefiero la versión de Prine, con el cambio de letra creo que pierde fuerza. Pero bueno gustos y colores...
Johnny Cash - Sam Stone

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